Monday, August 26, 2013

Level Crossing

Today Roger (brother-in-law) and I created a kerb crossing platform so that my beauty doesn't bottom out and damage the front bumper as I go in and out of Walton Rd or Russell Rd. the problem is that Fredrock Cafe's front wheels are around a metre behind the front bumper and while that creates a bus that has an awesome turning circle but if the dip between road and kerb is too much then she bottoms out. Roger designed an awesome set of hinged timbers that work wonderfully well. They are also easy to pick up and store in my side locker. See the photos below.

Back in Huntly tonight. 
As its my birthday tomorrow I've been invited by my son to come to dinner and then he and I will go pick up Fredrock Cafe and he will then take ownership of my car and I will bring Fredrock Cafe back to Huntly to start the adventures. 
Bought kayak today. A Viking profish 400 from Viking in Matamata. They were great. I believe that I was looked after by the owner! He was great and I would recommend Viking kayaks. 
So now let the fun begin. 
The first trip away for the weekend will be off to Te Aroha to visit the hot pools, mountain bike tracks and Te Aroha Engineering who may be able to help with a roof loader for the kayak. 


  1. kiwi ingenuity at it's finest!

  2. More modification to come. Extra bits (already made) will make these into leveling ramps.
