Had my medical for my license. All good. Started reading the road code again.
Got another good report from my ear specialist today as well. He is very pleased with his work. Out to monthly checks now.
Have cleaned out the spare room and created three piles. Rubbish, sell and keep. The third pile is very small!While cleaning up I have been doing that dangerous thing called "thinking". Yes scary I know and something that should not be tried at home except under adult supervision. So I have been realizing that I have been on a roller coaster ride over the past few weeks. Up while I've been active in the "sorting my life out" but quite down when I have had time to pause and think. All the negativity starts coming out, not helped by a couple of people who have been quite negative about the whole thing. Anyway I have decided not to let anyone or anything get in my way. I am going to surround myself with positive people and go soar with the eagles and leave the turkeys behind.
I have now put some things in place that will help me keep positive about the whole thing and even though it's scary as all get out, I am very excited.
Back to work tomorrow and full steam ahead reading the Road Code!
Catch you all soon.
Good for you!!!! Ignore the turkeys!!! Live your life to the fullest!! <3